Legal notices & Terms and conditions of use of this site
Company name: First Connection
Company name: First Connection
Address: 8, rue la Fontaine - 92 120 Montrouge - France
Telephone: +33 (0)1 49 12 44 79
Fax: +33 (0)1 49 12 48 74
This site is published by First Connection.
First Connection is a SARL company with a capital of € 20,000.
Registered under number 499 079 440 on the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register.
VAT registration number: FR 70499079440
Siret (French Company Registration Number): 499 079 440 00016 - NAF 7021Z
Publication manager: Communication department
Infinite Square
33, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine
75 011 Paris - France
The entire website content was created with great care. Nevertheless, First Connection cannot guarantee the propriety, exactitude, completeness and quality of the information contained in the site. Under no circumstances can First Connection be held responsible for special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use, non-use or performance of the information disclosed on the site, apart from a major fault or deliberate fraud from First Connection. First Connection reserves the right to change, complete or remove any content from the site, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice.
1/ General Conditions
Before browsing this site, please read carefully the following terms and conditions of use of this site, available on this page: By connecting on the site, you agree to accept and respect these terms and conditions of use. Use and consultation of the site is limited to personal and non-commercial use. By consulting and using this site, you undertake not to use this content for illegal purposes or that are contrary to these terms and conditions of use.
2/ Ownership rights
The entire website content (logos, marks, graphics, icons, gifs, texts, images, pictures, illustrations, videos, sounds, hypertext links, distinctive signs…) and its structure are protected by intellectual property rights. The use of this site does not mean, in any case, an assignment of rights to the user. They remain the exclusive property of First Connection. All content and structure of this site may not be reproduced, used, adapted, copied, translated, sold, published, exploited, diffused, retransmitted or changed in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, for any public or commercial purpose, without prior permission of First Connection, apart from necessary registration processing only. Any unauthorized use of the site could lead to proceedings.
3/ Website guarantees
First Connection has done all it can to ensure the reliability of all information, services and software published on this website. For this reason, First Connection cannot be held liable for any errors, oversights, omissions, viruses or results that could be obtained through a wrong use of those. Indeed, the website is bound only by a best-endeavours obligation. Also, all content downloaded from this website comes under the sole responsibility of the user. As a consequence, First Connection cannot be held liable for any damage to a user's computer or for any loss of data following downloading. The user guarantees that he/she is fully aware of the characteristics and constraints of the internet such as a non-absolute technical reliability that may cause impossible access to this website for some period of time. This website strives to ensure all of its pages are accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, but is bound by no obligation to do so. The access to this website may be temporarily interrupted for maintenance, upgrade or for any other reason. This website is not responsible in any way for any interruptions or any consequences thereof suffered by the user. Also, any page of this website can be removed or modified at any time and without notice. Under no circumstances shall this website be held liable for any loss of data or any damage incurred in relation to such data. No information or advice provided by this website can be considered as a guarantee of any kind.
4/ Privacy policy
5/ Provisions on this website
In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions of use becomes invalid or if a provision proves to contain a loophole, the provision in question shall be replaced by a provision as close as possible from a legal point of view. If you are dissatisfied with any portion of this website or with any of these terms and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using this website. Your navigation or use of this website necessarily implies that you have read these terms and conditions of use that are governed by and interpreted in accordance with French law, and that you fully agree with them. Any contesting or disputes which could arise from the interpretation or from the execution of these terms and conditions of use will be the exclusive competence of the courts on which depends the head office of First Connection company. In the resolution of any subsequent disputes, the reference language is French.
For any question or comment about these terms and conditions of use or this website, please contact First Connection by email: