During recent years, electronic functionalization by plastronic process has been proven to be compatible with 3D substrates, either printed by Stereolithography (SLA) with photopolymers [1] or printed by Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) with mostly low to medium performance materials like PLA or others [2]. Polymers used in SLA plastronic functionalization are limited in their thermal and mechanical properties. At the same time, FDM allows the use of High-Performance Polymers (HPPs) like PEI/Ultem or PEEK. These materials, while difficult to print correctly, have some of the best properties of the polymer family: high service temperatures (above 200°C for most of them), chemical stability, low flammability, good mechanical properties… Few studies have explored their potential for plastronic systems, even though they could open previously unreachable high-end applications like in the military sector or the aerospace industry.
Thus, in this presentation we aim to explain how we used an existing plastronic process (called P3DR) developed for SLA and adapt it for use on HPPs substrates printed by FDM. First, the substrate is printed carefully to minimize common issues with such materials. Then, the entire surface is covered with copper via an electroless metallization bath. This requires mechanical pretreatment and chemical activation but results in excellent conductivity compared to conductive inks. Once metallized, the electronic network is localized using a 6-axes laser alongside a protective mask and an acid attack. In the end, electric components can be soldered directly on the substrate thanks to its high service temperature, instead of using conductive glue.
This new process has been developed and tested with a composite filament made of polyamide and short carbon fibers called Onyx [3]. Printed parts can be further reinforced with continuous fibers (carbon, glass…) during the printing process, allowing their mechanical properties to reach close to that of the same part made in aluminum while weighting far less. Functionalizing HPPs substrates allows to create structural parts that are equipped with integrated sensors, antennas or LEDs, for example. To illustrate this possibility, we created a demonstrator consisting of an Onyx substrate equipped with mechanical strain sensors capable of relaying information about the force applied on a specific area. Furthermore, preliminary tests suggest that the process described is compatible with PEI/Ultem substrates, which are already in use in different sectors such as the aeronautical industry. This, along the potential functionalization of PEEK substrates, would allow plastronics to be used in previously unreachable applications.